Pedro Carmona Saez– Group Leader
Tenured Professor at the Statistics department of University of Granada. Interested in methods to extract useful knowledge from large biological datasets. Current research focused on statistical and computational tools to decipher molecular mechanims of complex diseases from multiomics data.

Ivan Ellson Lancho – PhD Student
MSc in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics from the University Oberta of Catalunya. I am focused on the study of pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia through multi-omics data analysis. Collaboration with Dr. Ramos

Marina Vargas Fernandez– PhD Student
BsC in Mathematics from the University of Granada and MsC in Omics Data Analysis from the University of Seville. Focused on mathematical modelling, network analysis and statistical data integration for disease development description.

Samuel Pérez Fernández– PhD Student
BsC in Health Engineering from the University of Málaga. Working on computational optimization of applications

Pablo Jurado– PhD Student
MSc in Statistics from the University of Granada.

Juan Robledillo– PhD Student
MSc in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics from the UOC, Barcelona
Former members

Jose Liñares Blanco, PhD
Postdoc in SB2 2021-2023.
PhD in Computer Science from the University of A Coruña (UDC)
Currently at U. of Heidelberg

Dani Toro, PhD
PhD Student in SB2 2014-2020. University of Granada
Postdoc in SB2 2020-2023
Currently at Karolinska Institutet

Raúl López, PhD
PhD Student in SB2 2019-2023. University of Granada
Currently at GENyO