ImaGEO – Meta-Analysis of gene expression data
ImaGEO is a web tool that implements a complete and comprehensive meta-analysis workflow to analyze gene expression datasets starting directly from GEO identifiers.
Publication: Toro-DomĂnguez D, et al. (2019) ImaGEO: Integrative Gene Expression Meta-Analysis from GEO database. Bioinformatics.
MetaGENyO – Meta-Analysis of Genetic Association Studies
A web tool that implements a complete workflow for meta-analysis in Genetic Association Studies that can be executed in an easy-to-use environment without programming knowledge.
Publication: Martorell-Marugan J, et al. (2017) MetaGenyo: A web tool for meta-analysis of genetic association studies. BMC Bioinformatics.
GeneCodis – Gene anotations Co-Ocurrence Discovery
A widely used application for the functional analysis that can be used to determine biological annotations or combinations of annotations that are significantly enriched in a list of genes, proteins, miRNAs, transcription farctors and CpG sites.
Publication: Garcia-Moreno, A. et al. (2022). Functional Enrichment Analysis of Regulatory Elements. Biomedicines
ADEx – Autoimmune Diseases Explorer
A database for easy exploration and analysis of expression and methylation data from a large collection of autoimmune diseases (ADs) studies.
Publication: Jordi Martorell-Marugán et al. (2021) A comprehensive database for integrated analysis of omics data in autoimmune diseases BMC Bioinformatics.
Molecular dYsregulated PROfiles of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients. MyPROSLE allows molecular characterization of individual Lupus patients and it extracts key molecular information to support more precise therapeutic decisions.
Publication: D. Toro-Dominguez et al. (2022) Scoring personalized molecular portraits identify Systemic Lupus Erythematosus subtypes and predict individualized drug responses, symptomatology and disease progression. Brief. in Bioinformatics

DatAC – Data Against Covid19
A data fusion project with an interactive web frontend that integrates COVID-19 and environmental data in Spain. DatAC is provided with powerful data analysis and statistical capabilities that allow users to explore and analyze individual trends and associations among the provided data.
Publication: Martorell-Marugán J, Villatoro-GarcĂa JA, et al. (2020) DatAC: A visual analytics platform to explore climate and air quality indicators associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Sci. Total Environ.
The COVID19 Data Portal includes DatAC and other COVID related applications
DExMA: R Packae for Differential Expression Meta-Analysis
An R package for comprehensive gene expression meta-analysis
Publication: Villatoro-GarcĂa JA, et al. (2022). DExMA: An R Package for Performing Gene Expression Meta-Analysis with Missing Genes. Mathematics
mCSEA – R package for DMRs analysis and methylation-expression data integration
An R package that implements a GSEA based approach to detect diferentially methylated regions (DMRs) and allows users to integrate gene expression and methylation data.
Publication: Martorell-Marugán J et al. (2019). mCSEA: Detecting subtle differentially methylated regions. Bioinformatics.